The food, Squid piece- Cooking 65- Heals 17 exp 121. Nice caviar- Cooking 65- heals 16- Magic is fostered by 10%. The mind can't be traded but can be assisted. It can be exchanged once cooked. Squid bit and OSRS gold caviar could be traded cooked or raw.
And no, I do NOT believe the pursuit will be similar to this, I understand Jagex has already begun it. Requirements: all of the quests involving the mahjarrat, such as Legacy of all Seergaze, Defender of Varrock, and Desert Treasure, also as one powerful looting of the Barrows; you need Eagle's Peak, and you've got to have been within the God Wars Dungeon. Troll Romance needed, in Addition to Elemental Workshop Part 2, barbarian coaching, and Tai Bwo Wannai Trio for the spear part.
Skills: 74 slayer, 79 Ability, 72 ranging, 80 thieving, 75 Construction, 61 construction, 70 smithing, 73 summoning, 70 prayer, 77 herblore, ability to fight higher level vyrewatch, ability to overcome high leveled mahjarrat. Recommended: 83 woodcutting, 76 firemaking, high defense level, ability for puzzles.
Begin by speaking to cheap RuneScape gold the man you saved during Eagles Peak, and he'll say he found some new feathers while hunting rabbits. He will also mention he found some odd objects close to the rabbit holes. He'll then give you 20