Once you have completed your OSRS GP first level after which you can be able to unlock the level 5 of Archaeology and begin the journey to master this skill. There's no need to worry, however it's not a place that interns can utilize. In the vaults that are deep, you'll find Zarosian weapons as well as other lavish objects of worship that are connected to Zaros. Scrolls of old-fashioned knowledge are also discovered.
Our next stop will be the eastern coast Morytania. While we all know Morytania today to be dark, full of blood-sucking terrors and plagued by darkness, the area was once the home of Saradominists. They were proud of their treasure, the Icyene settlement known as Everlight. It was home to the Everlight, a tall lighthouse that illuminated the coastline and provided vital light to the Icyene living there.
Vanescula the excavation site manager has asked the player extinguish the Everlight and claim it as their own. This is the 20th level of the site. You will be digging Icyenic Culture items, discovering more about New Dominion Games and how the great island set was destroyed.
The Infernal Source is hidden beneath the Wilderness. It can be found under the mark left by the Sword of Edicts. Guthix pushed it down into the earth. We know little about the brimstone rings that are fiery, except that they are connected to Zamorak. Guthix uses their sword to strike it and shut it down. Also starting at level 20, Archaeology, this section allows you to dig up Zamorakian sacred relics, discover Zamorak’s connection to demons and discover more about Gielinor's origins.
There are two other lost areas to be buy runescape 3 gold explored, but we're going to keep quiet for now. We'll only inform you that they're known as Stormguard Citadel (or Warforge). (exclamation mark included). Archaeology (exclamation mark included). Reward Bonanza more micro-transactions and casual gaming examples.